Our crews possess the necessary skill set, personal conduct and the support network required to get the job done, on time and on budget.
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Skill Set
Our crew is the product of extensive training, making every member able to solve problems on the spot. Ask anyone who’s worked with Hy-Tech, and they’ll tell you – our Foremen and Drillers are true experts in their field; there’s a real focus on safety and they know their procedures and equipment. In short, we deliver nothing but the best for our clients.
Crew Conduct
Professional, committed, and respectful, our crew members take real pride in their work, as well as the positive team environment they’ve cultivated. Camps are dry, and drug testing is standard. We also put an emphasis on respecting the communities and areas we operate in along with the relationships our clients have fostered to work in certain regions.
Support Network
When you work with Hy-Tech, you work with a vast support network. Behind every crew on every drill, there’s a whole team of professionals on your project – including Trainers, Field Safety Coordinators, shipping, logistics, human resources and administrative staff, not to mention in-house R&D, manufacturing and maintenance teams.